2022-23 Why you acting Why you acting (detail) Fruit of our labor Acceptance Acceptance (detail) The intersection The intersection (detail) We just knew We just knew (detail) Do divorced women drive differently? Do divorced women drive differently? (detail) The far right The far right (detail) Birthdays yuck Too busy Too busy (detail) WTF WTF (detail) Check that off the list Check that off the list (detail) Now is not the time Now is not the time (detail) That’s not nice That’s not nice (detail) The worker You never let me down You never let me down Medicare Fraud Medicare Fraud Deliberative process Deliberative process (detail) Tone is everything Tone is everything (detail) Well actually Well actually (detail) This is everyone’s reality (food at the nursing home) Dear Non-southerners Dear Non-southerners (detail) Excuse me Excuse me (detail) Keep wanting Keep wanting (detail) Hidden agenda Just visiting Just visitin (detail) Don’t say gay (TN Rep. bashing new bill) Don’t say gay (detail) (TN Rep. bashing new bill) Why are we still glorifying this guy? (Detail) Why are we still glorifying this guy? Cracking and packing Call to Vote The past I feel ya I feel ya (glow) I feel ya (detail) I feel ya (glow detail) When will it pop? When will it pop (detail) Every year I think of you Every year I think of you (detail)