2024 Does Not Apply In All Cases Does Not Apply In All Cases (detail) Grab The Popcorn Well I Well I (detail) not titled yet not titled yet (detail) And I Believed Them Just a cog in the machine Just a cog in the machine (detail) Sec, min, hour, day, month, year, decade Sec, min, hour, day, month, year, decade (detail) Lip service Lip service (detail) This is the answer This is the answer (detail) The lady, the craft, me, and the joke The lady, the craft, me, and the joke Numb (when everything is a big deal nothing is a big deal) Numb (when everything is a big deal nothing is a big deal) detail Huh? Skew Skew (detail) What are you doing? I hate to say this insert 2 ands for a good time insert 2 ands for a good time (detail) Wake the fuck up Wake the fuck up (detail) He talks to me too He talks to me too (detail) I’m Listening Where have all the cows gone? Conspiracy theory slot machine Conspiracy theory slot machine (detail) Now go Now go (detail) Chillin “shootin tha shit” Chillin (detail) I’ll think about it